Projecting Corporate Values in China
CLIENT: Abbott
PROJECT: Government Engagement Workshop in China
Best practices in government relations dictates understanding first and foremost what government leaders need to achieve and why. In the area of infant nutrition, the policies are complex and sensitive, encompassing myriad social issues, public health policies, and the regulatory imperative to assure the quality and integrity of products in the marketplace. Abbott needed to ensure its interactions with the government projected its values and leadership in global nutrition.
This was a soup-to-nuts project that began with the commissioning of a comprehensive analysis of the fast-evolving landscape for nutritional products in China. Extracting relevant and actionable insights, Andrea worked with corporate executives and the affiliate in China to identify and evaluate opportunities to apply the company’s core strengths to meet the Chinese government’s capacity building needs in public health and food safety best practices.
Andrea facilitated a two-day workshop in Shanghai to generate a government engagement plan, including the who, what, when and why of execution, focused on aligning the objectives and unique contributions of corporates functions from R&D, regulatory, supply chain, and medical experts. Output included detailed stakeholder maps, critical assessments of government capacity building needs and public policy priorities, communications content, and contacts for extending the company’s external network in a coordinated and thoughtful way in order to build trustful relationships with Chinese policymakers.